Bird Food Perkutut To Gacor Fast Or Diligently Sound

Bird Food Perkutut To Gacor Fast Or Diligently Sound

In the care of the kneeling bird, the best feeding is something that is not separated by it. Because feed provider is a very important thing to be addressed in all needs, especially in making it a rajjin gacor.

Raijin sounding from a pet bird is something that many perkutut lovers love.

For a beginner, of course you will feel confused in choosing the type of food given by the turtle birds, because there may be many types of food that can be given or because they do not know it at all.

Each feed is certainly needed alternately in feeding, so that later the bird does not feel bored and makes it unwilling to eat. Therefore by knowing a lot of food to be given, then when birds are bored with tertantu food, can be given other types of feed to keep eating and make it healthy and will later make it sound diligent.

                   Bird Food Perkutut For Gacor Fast

By reading the explanation below with the various types of feed available, then soon friends and friends will find out what kind of feed is good for their pet birds, especially to make it a gacor.


Beetroot is one of the seeds that is favored by turtledove birds, but for friends who are novices in maintaining birds, they will feel strange. But this feed also likes to be in a place that sells feed, and for those who don't know, it can be bought.

This millet meal has good benefits for the growth of the turtle bird, and can also make it diligent in gacor. Because it has a fairly high protein content.

2.Millet Feed

Milet is a feed that many other types of birds consume and is included for this turtle bird. There are two types of millet that can be given to turtle birds, white millet and red millet, and many chirping mania believe that millet can help and encourage the turtle bird to make it a gacor. However, we recommend limiting this feed because it can make it fat and certainly not good for the quality of the tweets.

3.Feed from Green beans

The green bean feed is best given to the small turtle bird and makes it fast for large.

For this feeding, you can boil it first until cooked and can be given to the pekutut bird to be lured. But this feed is also not only given to adult fellows, but can be given to adult fellows.

4.Feed from Black Rice

Black rice is a type of food favored by percussion birds, besides the benefits of feeding it has the benefit of maintaining body temperature in winter and avoiding some diseases that will attack it in winter.

5.Brown rice

Brown rice has its own benefits compared to black rice, where the nutritional value contained in it can help increase growth and is also suitable to be given when the turtle produces eggs, because there are nutrients such as Vitamin E and B.

If you want to be given to a baby turtle bird, you can boil it first so it is soft and easy to consume by birds.

6.Grain feed

One of the favorites of percussion bird food is grain, grain feed when consumed frequently by turtledove birds will not make it become overweight, different from being given millet feed which has a great chance of making it fat. Perkutut with a fat weight is certainly not good for health, especially to be included in the singing competition.

7.Fish oil

Fish oil has many benefits for humans, and especially for turtledove birds that can encourage it to be diligent to ring or gacor.

For this feeding, it can be given only twice a week, to make it more diligent and healthy and later make the sound increase.

8.Esktra Food

EkstraFood is a thing that must be considered to be given to the turtledove bird, because besides that it is a natural food from animal, extrafood also has benefits that make it more active and also of course a gacor.

Among other things, Extra food foods that are favored by turtle birds, such as hongkong caterpillars, kroto, crickets and other foods.

Well, this is the discussion this time about turtle bird food so that it is diligent to give to your beloved bird.


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