Get To Know The Types Of Bird Food

Get To Know The Types Of Bird Food

Birds have food eating habits that are also preferred because they are in accordance with their anatomy, especially digestive devices. In relation to iti, seed-eating birds will not consume fish as an additional food. Likewise, insectivorous birds that have small beaks will not eat animal as large as mice.

Replacing the bird food menu so that the bird quickly gacor, we must know if the seed-eating bird has cached or enlarged parts of the esophagus. Cache serves as a feed container like seeds that have been swallowed by birds which then descend into their intestines. This organ is not found in species of birds that do not eat seeds. It shows the anatomical differences associated with food.

One of the adaptations of birds to the main food that we can see in kind is the form of the milk. Beak has various functions, including cutting, cutting, grinding. and use food and other functions as a tool to help when membunt nest. As for the types of bird food or types of feed contained in the market whose purpose is the same as to supplement the source of nutrients needed by birds and the formation of growth such as growth of feathers, so that they are quickly damaged and stay healthy

The following are the types of bird foods that are commonly encountered:

Birds Eating Seeds

Grain-eating birds have a short, strong, thick beak, the tip of the beak is usually slightly bent, the upper half is slightly longer compared to the lower half. (but some of the birds can reach beaks that are the same length), and are in the shape of a carousel. Beak with a shape like that is used to peck peel the seeds, and destroy the seeds.

Insect Bird

This is different from the insectivorous beak that is cylindrical, slim and short shaped to catch insects. Another caterpillar eater. worms and other soft animals. Birds like this have a long, sensitive beak. If the prey is still alive. will be slammed to the ground or branches of the tree to death, using the peruhrya, then swallowed.

Eating All Food

Crooked beaks with lower bottom curves upward and downward curved upper parts such as parrots, parrots and bayabs usually eat all kinds of food except insects. The food they eat is grains, fruit, honey, flowers, and shoots of plants.

There are also birds that are long, slender, and straight or curved with a sharp tip of adaptation as a flower sucker.

Adaptation of birds is based on their living environment, this can be influenced by their habits in the wild. Looking for food by itself. Birds experience selection in their lives because food chains occur. Eating in the wild is for the balance of povulation in their species.

The Eater Of The Daginga

Meat-eating birds like eagles look for snakes as their prey. God gives the beak and the ability of each bird is very perfect, seeing from their strengths and diverse hunting methods. Adaptation to food is very clearly seen in their various beaks, indicating that they eat different types of food.


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