How to Take Care of Cendet Birds For Quick Gacor

How to Take Care of Cendet Birds  For Quick Gacor

Sandalwood birds or commonly called pentet birds are one of the chirping birds that follow enliven the world of Indonesian chirping, because they have a unique chirping sound that can be released by this bird species.

The types of pentet birds are indeed many, and no wonder many beginner kicaumania have difficulty distinguishing them. However, any kind of sandalwood that is owned does not seem to be pliable if it does not have the quality chirping that is actually able to be released by the cendet bird itself, especially the bird wants to join in the chirping contest.

In issuing the sound of a gacor from a sandalwood bird, it requires a process that must be done maximizing the sound quality of the bird pentet, such as carrying out routine maintenance, by maintaining health and carrying out milling to improve the sound quality and chirping sound.

To care for sandalwood birds, then beforehand choose their sex, because the male sex of the sandalwood has better quality than the female.

To find out the sex of male and female sandalwood can be seen from the dominant black color possessed by the bird itself. For black from males it will look more concentrated compared to females that look rather faded, and for female chirps it seems rarely sing compared to males who are diligent in singing.

How to Take Care of Sandalwood Birds for Quick Gacor

In carrying out chirping birds, whatever types are either sandalwood or lovebird birds and other types of birds, keeping birds healthy is an important thing to get for the bird itself, so that birds can become diligent in singing and active.

For cendet bird owners, they should check the bird by observing whether the bird that is in its pelangi is healthy or even sick.

To see the characteristics of a sicket bird sick, it can be seen from the frequent silence and laziness to sing and of course it is very detrimental to the growth of the bird itself, whether it is physical or the quality of Twitter is declining.

1.Clean the cage

To start the treatment of sandalwood birds to stay healthy, it can be started from maintaining the health of the cage itself. Dirty cages, usually caused by many things, such as falling and decaying leftover food, sandalwood bird droppings, drinking water that has been mixed with feed and making it dirty and smelly.

A dirty cage can be a nest of germs and bacteria that will attack their health at any time. Then clean the cage regularly, it can be 1 week 2 times or more than that, depending on the condition of the cage and its maintenance.

2.Cendet Bird Feed

Food provides a lot of role to encourage birds to keep on singing and also active and make it healthy of course.

At the very least, foods that can be given to sandalwood have carbohydrates, as well as other nutrients, such as protein, fiber and are rich in vitamins.

Foods that can be given to sandalwood, among others, such as vegetables, fruits, Voer and also insects.

Feed given to sandalwood birds from insects, among others, such as crickets, grasshoppers, worms, kroto, bamboo caterpillars and also other types of insects.

Feed from insects has a high protein content, and can make cendet birds become gacor. However, in giving it do not overdo it, because it can make the sandalwood itself become over lust, and certainly not good.

3.Potions for Sandalwood

In addition to feed that can be given in the explanation above, then friends chirping mania, can make their own concoctions so as to encourage the cendet bird to become gacor.

The materials used include:

  • Know 2 to 3 pieces
  • 5 to 10 chicken eggs
  • 2 kilos of corn flour
  • 1 to 3 kilos of fresh fish without scales and bones (fish meat only)
  • 3 tomatoes
For the composition, just adjust from the ingredients that have been conveyed above.

If, all the ingredients have been prepared, then next to mix all the ingredients and puree using a blender or other tool, the important mixture of ingredients can be smooth.

After all the ingredients are mashed and mixed, then directly in the oven to dry, for about 30 minutes and after that dried in the sun, until the ingredients are dry.

When the material is dry, it is ready to be given to the sandalwood bird, and keep the rest in a dry place. And don't forget to give insects feed in their daily feed.

4.Sandalwood extinction

At any time, perhaps the owner of the sandalwood had seen, where birds at times diligently chirped and at other times the bird stopped singing and remained silent.

With such conditions, can be caused by the bird is decreasing confidence and keep it away from other birds. The thing that is needed is by alienating the cendet bird first, so that his confidence will reappear.

5.Drying the pentet bird

To make it healthy, it requires drying every day on a regular basis for 2 hours.

To do drying, it can be done at 7 to 9 in the morning, and to do it in the afternoon it can be done at 5 pm.

6.Sandalwood pastry

To train to improve the quality of chirping and the variety of tweaks to be better, then you can do pastry using mp3 bird sounds, or use other birds directly. However, for those who do not want to be complicated, it can use audio that can be downloaded on the internet.

By doing how to care for sandalwood birds with the tips mentioned above, then for several weeks or months you can pay attention to the development of the bird itself.

Well, this is our tips this time to bring out the best tweet from this pentet bird, which you can try to apply now too.


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