How To Take Care Of Beard Cucak To Be Diligent in Twitter and Gacor

How To Take Care Of Beard Cucak To Be Diligent in Twitter and Gacor

Of the many types of chirping birds that are often chirped, the bearded cucak can be used as one of several species of birds.

However, the right step is when someone has kept a bearded cucak bird. So, it becomes a separate question.

How do you take care of your beard to be diligent?

To get a beautiful kicaun from a bearded cucak bird, you have to take regular care, pay attention to the feed, give routine vitamins to maintain overall health from the treatment performed.

There are types of cucak birds that are commonly used by many bird lovers, such as:

  • Cucak combo bird
  • Cucak rivet
  • Cucak green bird
  • Birds washed rante
  • Birds are bearded
  • Bird cucak ijo mabung mabung
Of the various types of green cucak available, of course the demand is different, such as the cucak ijo bird and also the beard cucak that is often contested with other species of cucak. However, that does not mean that the other cucak birds do not have good prosfek to compete.

If my friends are caring for the cuak jenggot bird, they certainly have the advantage of maintaining it, because it has good prosfek to compete and also the chirping sound of the beard cucak is often used as the master's voice for other birds singing.

To maximize the ability of the beards of the cucak beard, of course, requires routine care, so that the stamina and frequency can be trained every day and improve their abilities.

Bird Cucak Beard Do Not Want to Set it

Ngebeset is a characteristic of chirping that can be removed by a beard bird, and of course it is very regrettable if the bearded cucak bird does not want to emit its distinctive chirping sound. And here are the causes and how to overcome them in the explanation below.

Stamina needs to be improved

 As with other birds, when the stamina is not sufficiently well or below the correct level, it will make the bird lazy to sing and also lazy to actively move.

If the cause of the cucak beard does not want to fail due to lack of stamina, then you can add feed from fruits every day and also give honey spread on the fruit until the stamina of the bird begins to return to normal again.

Overlapping Over

Over lust is something that will happen to every bird chirping, which can affect the quality of the bird, where birds do not want to sing well.

If this can make the bearded bird less effective, then it can reduce the feed from the amount given and give the fruit more feed than the usual amount of feed until the bearded bird is completely back to normal. the lust.


Stable lust will make the bird become diligent in singing and active, but if the lust becomes less or Over, it will make the quality of the chirps become disturbed which makes it lazy to sing diligently.

When birds experience a lack of lust, they can add feed from extrafooding to first increase their lust to stabilize, after stabilizing again, they can reduce the feed from the extracting, while observing whether the amount of feed is sufficient to make the lust stable, if not stable then it can be done by changing the right amount of feed.

How To Take Care Of Your Beard To Get Diligent in Twitter and Gacor

Every day care needs to be taken, so that the bird's health is maintained and makes it more active and diligent in singing, so that the birds are able to train their chirping every day and increase their chirping every day.

Bathing and Drying

There are several benefits that can be obtained from birds bathed regularly, such as making dirty fur clean from germs or bacteria, refreshing the body of a bearded bird, and of course maintaining its overall health.

In addition, you can bathe a beard during the day, so that it helps make it fresher every time.

Bathe the beard bird in the morning at 7:00 a.m. and don't bathe the beard too late in the afternoon, because the sun is too hot it will make the bird uncomfortable because of it, drying for 30 minutes and avoiding it too long, because the beard doesn't like it.

If your beard cucak is still a puppy, then you can bring the adult kacer bird that is already gacor so that the bird can listen to it for reproduction.

Giving Multivitamins

Giving daily feed alone is not enough to encourage the beard to be diligent in singing and gaacor.

To make a beard, it can be done by giving a multivitamin or also can provide special ingredients, such as a mixture of 1 duck egg mixed with kroto as much as 2 teaspoons and 1 apple.

Before being given to the bearded cucak bird, mix it with the ingredients by blending it, so that when it is given it can be easily digested by birds.

Give this concoction routinely to the bearded birds regularly, so that the bird can routinely also emit its sound and of course it can train its singing voice, and when it comes to competition it can make it become accustomed to sounding gacor and ready to compete the best chirping sound.

Feed the Cucak Beard Bird

As stated above, one of the things that can help maintain the lust of a bearded bird is by feeding a balanced extracting so that it does not overlap and also does not lack lust.

As a reference in cucak ijo bird feed, it can be done by feeding from the Seafood in the form of 3 crickets given in the morning and afternoon and also in the afternoon feed only 2 hingkong caterpillars.

To complement the nutritional needs of the bearded cucak bird, it can provide food from fruits such as papaya, red apple, white kapok banana and other types of food from fruits. And also when giving feed from the fruits while smearing honey.

How to treat cucak beard so that it can be quickly gacor on this explanation is something that can encourage him to always sing and gacor.

However, however, besides doing this, you should meet other needs, such as cleaning the cage from dirt and decaying food scraps and avoiding as much as possible avoiding beard birds to be stressed and keep their health as much as possible.

Well, that's how to care for bearded birds to be diligent in singing and gacor with simple tips but able to get good results, so that the green birds are able to make their best sound and ready to compete.


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