Good Food For Bird 2019

Good Food For Bird 2019

Tasty food for your feathered friends

The birds are kept in cages or aviaries for all kinds of reasons. By passion, to raise a particular species or only as pets and companions.

Whatever your motivations, as a bird-lover you certainly know that a focused and well-considered diet is essential for their health.

Canaries, wavy parakeets, big parakeets, parrots, finches ... they all have very specific food needs. Come to Horta to find the best bird food and expert advice.

Food for canaries, parrots, finches, parrots ...

There are many different birds kept in captivity in a cage or aviary. Canaries are without a doubt the most popular cage birds. Their joyful song is certainly no stranger to it.

For each species, there are still many variants. The yellow canaries, for example, are part of the colored canaries, alongside red and white. The best singers among these canaries are the males.

There are also so-called posture canaries, of great to very small size and with special plumage generally according to their race.

And finally we still find singing canaries, for which real singing competitions are organized.

Such variety is also observed with other bird species. Wavy parakeets are different from large parakeets, native to Asia, Australia or South America.

Among the parrots, we distinguish among others the macaw, the cockatoos, the parrot and other species from Central and South America.

There are native birds such as the Chaffinch, the Siskin, the Red Crossbill, and so on. Some birds eat fruits or insects, or live nectar found in flowers. There are tropical and African birds. And so on.

For each species of bird, there is a suitable food. For all bird species, food can be classified into the following categories:

  • complete food for birds
  • enriched seed mixtures
  • ordinary seed mixtures
  • sprouting seeds
  • farmed food for chicks
  • complementary food
  • snacks
  • dietary supplements

Bird food and seed mixtures

Similar or identical ingredients are often used for different kinds of bird food and seed mixtures. Proportions and specific compositions naturally differ depending on the species of bird to which the food is intended.

The ingredients that are frequently found in bird food are:

  • a selection of seeds and seeds
  • Wild seeds
  • fresh fruits
  • vitamins, amino acids and minerals
  • cleaned oyster scales, for calcium and phosphorus
  • chia seeds, for omega-3 fatty acids
  • florastimul for optimal bowel function
  • additional proteins
  • lysine and methionine, for growth and plumage
  • Parrot food also contains peanuts. And for insectivores, there is of course specific food with insects and worms.

Each type of food will obviously have a different impact on your birds. It is important to always choose the right food for:

  • good bowel function
  • a beautiful plumage
  • an efficient breeding
  • an adequate moult
  • a perfect physical condition
  • optimal growth
  • a beautiful song
  • increased vitality
  • etc.

100% natural seed sticks

Hang a delicious stick of seeds or stick baked in the cage of your canaries, parakeets or other birds. It will always offer treats to peck for your birds and will counter their boredom. These seed sticks contain among others:

chia seeds
Wild seeds
of honey
of pineapple
wild fruits

Food supplements for your birds

Canaries and other cage birds should preferably receive food supplements in addition to their basic diet. They promote digestion, bone growth and plumage development.

These supplements consist of:

oyster shells
trace elements


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