Pleci Bird Food To Be Quickly Gacor and the types

Pleci Bird Food To Be Quickly Gacor and the types

Pleci which has the Latin name Zosterops is an animal that usually lives in shady trees, and usually lives in groups, with various kinds of hundreds of other pleci birds. Pleci is categorized as a type of bird with eyes because it has an eye shape like using kecamata.

Initially Pleci birds were commonly found in Asian states, such as Africa, and Australia. However, for Indonesia itself, there are types that can be found by friends, friends, and keep them.

In carrying out routine maintenance from pleci bird keepers, of course daily care should be done so that the bird is able to have a beautiful chirping in accordance with the bird owner himself.

Talking about food, of course the feed that will be given, is a food commonly consumed by pleci birds in the wild. However, before explaining about pleci bird food is usually consumed, then friends can at the same time know the types of pleci birds that exist, so that the type of pleci that is being maintained or who wants to buy it already knows its type.

Species of Pleci

Of the various kinds of pleci that exist, of course there are many types produced by the origin of the bird itself and other things.

1.Pleci Dakun Maput

Pleci maput is a type of pleci bird originating from the holy, on the island of Central Java. To see the characteristics of this bird, it can be seen from the circle of eyes that are white with a clear and clear look. And for the fur has a yellow to green-green color. With the chirping feature that sounds clear and melodious.

2.Sulawesi Pleci Birds

The Latin name zosterops atrifrons from this Sulawesi Pleci bird, according to its name originating from the island of Sulawesi, and various kinds of islands around it, such as the sula and kepulawan spooky islands.

3.Black Capperd Pleci

Physical characteristics of the black Capperd pleci have a color and physical shape that is not too different, but the black Capperd Pleci has a smaller physical form than Pleci Dakun maput. However, for cash characteristics it has a slower and melodious voice.

4.Bird Pleci Dakun India

 Pleci dakun macok birds have almost the same physical shape as a whole with pleci dakun makut, but for pleci eyes dakun macok has a brown color around the eyelids.

5.Pleci bird in Bali

Physically, the body shape of pleci dakun bali has a really similar color, but its body shape is more minimalist than pleci bird dakun maput. However, to distinguish it can be observed from the chirping sounds around the sound of the chicken pedestal.

6.Pleci Auriventer bird

Well, for this one pleci bird is a pleci bird that is a lot of pleci bird lovers. Because the article is the type of Auriventer pleci bird, has a price that is more expensive than other types. For the origin of this bird, it comes from Kalimantan, Riau and the surrounding area.

The chirping characteristics of this Auriventer pleci sound more aggressive and loud and this is the reason that this type of bird is the target of pleci bird lovers.

7.Pleci Buxtoni bird

This type of pleci is not very popular in Indonesia itself, because this one is hard to find.

For the characteristics of this pleci buxtoni bird, it has a white color divided into its chest and has a yellow to green-green color on the other feathers.

8.Pleci Bird Montanus

This bird usually lives in the mountains around the island of Java, and for its physical characteristics, among others, has a gray color on the chest and has a brownish gray color on the upper wing.

9.Pleci Bird Food For Quick Gacor

Apart from the types of pleci, but to treat the pleci bird itself requires quality feed, so that later the bird will be able to release its chirps to make it a gacor.


The favorite place of the Pleci bird is where it has trees and has thick leaves and also where the location has a lot of food that can be consumed from fruits. So pleci foods in the wild which are commonly consumed are feed from fruits and other foods.

Talking about the benefits of fruits, of course you have a vitamin that is good for your health and makes it fit and healthy. The foods that can be given to pleci birds include oranges, papaya, bananas, kelengkeng and bananas.

However, to get the best quality, then you should give fresh feed and discard the remaining used food that has withered and is no longer fresh.


Not too different from fruits, feed from vegetables has a rich vitamin that is good for good health given to pleci birds.

However, in order to get good quality nutrition, try to provide fresh food.

Meanwhile, food that can be given to vegetables, among others, such as broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, oyong and other vegetables.

Extra Fooding

 Feed from small insects commonly referred to as Extra Fooding is one of the list of foods that can make chirping birds become gacor or diligent to sing. In addition, extra food Fooding has a large protein content and other important nutrients for the growth of the birds themselves, such as Hong Kong caterpillars, Cages, Grasshoppers and Kroto. However, just giving 1 to 2 hongkong caterpillars is enough.

By looking at the above explanation, now it is already known about the food of pleci birds and the types of pleci birds and makes your favorite birds become diligent in singing and active.


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